Obama receives standing ovation from LESS THAN 25% of West Point cadets

Embarrassing to say the least! I would venture to say that he’s not respected by the military at all!!
If you as a black person are supporting this president because he’s black and not because he’s doing what is right. Then you are a racist, and more importantly, you have forgotten the wise admonition, to judge a man by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin.

When (if ever) Will Black America Let Go Of Slavery?

My relatives were slaves more recently than theirs and nobody and owes me anything. In fact, my Great Grandmother was a Jewish slave in Poland…….She died a fairly wealthy woman.
The slavery/human rights issues the Blacks and their phoney Leaders cling to it and use it for nothing but an excuse. If things are to improve for “African Americans”, THEY need to move on and take responsibility for THEIR own actions. The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order by United States President Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, which declared the freedom of all slaves in such territory of the Confederate States of America was issued on September 22, 1862.

Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.
Obama’s approval rating in the poll stands at 39%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

At this point, Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa.

Obama’s Approval Rating Is The Worst Since Nixon

Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.
Obama’s approval rating in the poll stands at 39%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

At this point, Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa.

News Flash! Terrorists At Gitmo Receiving Better Health Care Than Our Vets

By now most American have heard about the VA’s infamous patient “secret wait lists” which reportedly contributed to the deaths of up to 40 veterans in the Phoenix area alone. Those patriots were American heroes who served our country proudly. Yet they were left to die waiting to see a doctor.

Here’s another secret the White House doesn’t want you to know about the VA. Al Qaeda detainees get better medical treatment than our veterans.

Say what?

Yes, it’s true. I know because I served as a Pentagon spokesman from 2005-2009 and visited Guantanamo Bay Naval Base over 30 times during those years.

Despite the fact that Al Qaeda terrorists carried out the Sept. 11 terror attacks, killing 3,000 people in America, the admitted co-conspirators and their roughly 150 fellow jihadists at Gitmo have approximately 100 doctors, nurses and health care personnel assigned to them.

Doctors and medical personnel are at their beck and call. Got a cold, a fever, a toothache, a tumor, chest or back pain, mental health issues, PTSD? No problem, come right on in. Military doctors are waiting to see you.

The VA and Gitmo eligible patient-to-health care provider ratios speak volumes.

While the Gitmo ratio is 1.5 to 1, for America’s 9 million veterans receiving VA health care and 267,930 VA employees, the ratio is 35 to 1.

But beyond the Gitmo numbers, the situation at the VA is also a bright, shining example of misguided priorities and terrible mismanagement.

In late 2008, when Obama was president-elect, he and his staff were warned not to trust the wait times reported by VA health care facilities. But instead of fixing the problem, their focus was closing Guantanamo and improving the comfort of detainees. Even though they already lived under some of the best prison conditions ever seen.

While some who see “2008” may reflexively say, “blame Bush, not Obama” the fact is that the VA’s health system has been fatally flawed for years, regardless of who has been the president.

ILLEGAL immigration!

I am the son of an immigrant, my father came to New York in 1929 from Russia… He became a legal resident as soon as he was able to, then a citizen, he spoke English in the first year that he was here, he raised an AMERICAN family that all spoke English and that is how it should be..

Immigration reform? No, we have adequate immigration laws as it is, they need to be enforced…

If you come here legally and become a citizen of the United States and love this nation, representing yourself as an American, I welcome you with open arms…

If you come here and live illegally, if you can’t or won’t become a citizen and declare yourself an American, I have no use for you..

I don’t know why you Hispanic here can’t do the same… The USA is over-run with ILLEGAL’S and they are bleeding our counties resources dry; medical care, schools, a need for increased law enforcement and so forth, and they contribute very little to America…

LEGAL immigration? You bet… ILLEGAL immigration is just that, ILLEGAL, what part of LEGAL can’t you Progressive- Liberal’s understand?

I saw this on my Facebook today.

Saw this on my Facebook feed today. Thought it was hilarious. Just wanted to share.

Overheard in a grocery store by someone waiting in line behind a woman talking on her cell phone in another language. Ahead of her as a white man. After the woman hangs up he speaks up.

Man: “I didn’t want to say anything while you were on the phone but you are in America now. You need to speak English.”

Woman: “Excuse me?”

Man: *talks slow* “If you want to speak Mexican, go back to Mexico. In America, we speak English.”

Woman: “Sir, I was speaking Navajo. If you want to speak English, go back to England.”

Drop Benghazi? I think NOT!

As far as Benghazi is concerned, NO we are not dropping it. You Liberals KNOW that we are right and that YOU are wrong, why else would you be telling us to drop it?
This administration is SO damn crooked that it would be a Joke if it weren’t so serious. Obama, Hillary, and Holder are ALL lairs and crooks, as for Holder, he is the most corrupt Attorney General in history of the country and I am not overstating that! He is that bad. Fast and Furious should have lead to prosecutions. Same with the IRS scandal. Holder has no honor or integrity. This has to be one of the most corrupt administrations in US history!
As for Obama, LIAR be his name! This buffoon is so hopelessly in love with himself, everything he says is always about him.
And as for the Hildabeast.
We now know, that she knew it was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Yet at the Andrews Air Force base ceremony, she went up to the father of the slain retired Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, Mr. Charles Woods and told him they’d get the guy responsible for his son’s death–the video producer.
Can you imagine how black a person’s soul has to be to be able to commit such a heinous lie to a grieving father? It’s beyond human understanding. This Bitch of Benghazi is pure evil.
It was well acknowledged that it was a terrorist attack. After the terrorist attack it was REPORTED to OBAMA and all his minions that it was a terrorist attack, yet he was in an election so he couldn’t have an Al Qaeda victory. Therefore his administration lead by the hopeless and honorless Hilary Clinton total Valarie Jackson to go life on TV and LIE. They all knew that it was a terrorist attack, but they instructed everyone to lie and make up a story about a film that no one including the Muslims have ever heard of.

Condi Rice Will Not Speak at Rutgers University’s Commencement

The point is that Obama is just as guilty of war crimes as Condi Rice is. But these idiotic Liberal A-Hole students would probably be delighted to have him as their commencement speaker.

The complete collapse of the antiwar movement after Oblabber was elected president showed quite clearly that many so-called “peace activists” are lying hypocrites — they only oppose wars that Republicans are running, and don’t really give a crap about what the war is about..

But it wasn’t always this way. During the 1960s, the antiwar movement hated LBJ with a passion. And if thing were as they were then, LBJ would have been as loved and worshiped as the Messiah as Oblabber is. But now for the Democrats/Liberals, it’s all party over principle.

Obama the “peace candidate”, LOL, ended the war in Iraq on President Bush’s timetable, and now he claims credit for it — although he wanted to stay there longer, but the Iraqis wouldn’t go for it. And now he continues to fight the Afghan war endlessly — but the progressives say nothing. Nothing new to see here. . . just the same old intolerance and war crimes, from a generation of libs who have committed, illegal takeovers of governments, genocide against the unborn, lies, and cover-ups, scandals after scandals, and the mistreatment of our troops on a scale even Hitler would be proud of?
Do any of you asinine liberals know what a war criminal is? Dr. Rice has more class than any of you. I’m sure Snookie is available for a great speech again, and if they can’t get her maybe Lady Gaga or Joe Biden is available.
My oh my, how times have changed

The Tolerant Liberal’s Are At it Again.

Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement.

Well the Commie bullies won the day again. These professors should be fired for forcing their political views on the student population, it’s not their place, they should bne make to teach and not to influence our children politically. .

 Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has withdrawn as commencement speaker for Rutgers University, following fierce protests from faculty and students over her role in the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

“Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families. Rutgers’ invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community at this very special time,” Rice said in a statement posted on her official Facebook page Saturday.

After the Rutgers Board of Governors picked the former Bush official in February, Rutgers faculty immediately circulated a petition denouncing Rice for playing a significant role in “efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”

The student government was more divided, having voted 25-17 in March in favor of having her as speaker for their commencement on May 18.

“I have defended America’s belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas. These values are essential to the health of our democracy. But that is not what is at issue here,” Rice said.

She added, “I understand and embrace the purpose of the commencement ceremony and I am simply unwilling to detract from it in any way.”

Rice has elicited recent controversy in other arenas as well. After the digital storage firm Dropbox decided to appoint her to the company’s board of directors last month, online activists organized a campaign called “Drop Dropbox,” citing earlier statements she made defending the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping program.

“While Rutgers University stands fully behind the invitation to Dr. Rice to be our commencement speaker and receive an honorary degree, we respect the decision she made and clearly articulated in her statement this morning,” the university said in a statement.